M. Northfell
Oh hey everyone!

Welcome back to my blog.  I just want to say that I am so happy that people actually are reading this, it makes it worthwhile in the end.  I will tell you that one thing is for sure...there is absolutely, positively, no way to express what you see in person in words.  IF you EVER have the chance to come to Italy, I highly recommend it.  It is seriously one of the greatest, most beautiful places I have ever been!

One thing is for sure, getting back into the swing of things makes me feel so much better.  I think I am finally caught up on sleep and finally getting the hang of speaking Italian again, which is good because when I go visit my "host family" from 2009 I can somewhat impress them with my excellence. 

Yesterday was just another day of classes.  We didn't do anything special because we were all so tired from being on the move all of the time.  Although, today, was full of fun experiences.  The best part about Wednesdays is that we have class in different Piazza's, museums and different churches.  Today we conquered the famous Duomo (Dome).  It is seriously so amazing to see in person.  We learned about the differences between Romanesque Art and Gothic Art and the importance of geometry when constructing these famous buildings/churches.  This has truly been an amazing journey and I am beyond excited for what lies ahead.

The best part so far, aside from all the delicious food, is that I am getting to know a lot of people that are traveling with me.  We have a group of students from Michigan State (about 15 of us) that are all taking the same classes.  It's really cool to see that we are all here for the same reason...to become a part of the Italian culture and learn something about Italy that we might not have seen in a book before. 

I am living with two girls from my school in an apartment with a host family.  It's nice to be able to speak Italian already.  I have been given the opportunity to live with two girls who aren't currently fluent in the language.  With that being said, there are advantages and disadvantages.  The advantage to this is that I get to teach them what they want to know and "watch them grow" through their Italian (I know, how teacher-like of me).  The disadvantage is that there are 3 of us, so it's harder to make a strong connection with the family that I have been placed with. 

When all said and done, I cannot believe that about one week has only passed.  I feel like I have been gone from home for the longest time.  Am I homesick? Sorry, but not at all.  I know one thing is for sure, the hardest part about being abroad is that I know come the beginning of June, I am going to miss Nick (my brother) and Taylor's (my sister-in-law) baby shower and I have the SWEETEST gift to give them.  If someone wants to tape their reaction, BE MY GUEST!

Arrivederci a tutti e buonanotte dall'Italia!

Stella Weber
5/31/2013 03:19:21 am


What a great student you are. You have followed my advice to
make a blog............................You're definitely on the accelerated track. Mentre ti godi la bell'Italia trovati un bel ragazzo di famiglia
buonissima con soldi e cominci a pensare il tuo futuro altro di
diventare un'insegnante.

Words can't express how PROUD I am of you. When I grow up I
want to be just like you.

Ti Adoro,


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    My name is Mary and I will be entering my junior year at Michigan State University in the fall. I am studying Elementary Education with a specialization in Math and Language Arts.  I am minoring in Italian and Linguistics.  I am so blessed for all the amazing opportunities that I have been able to be a part of! Enjoy!


    May 2013

